Community Languages Australia

Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations Inc.


Community Languages Australia - Council Meeting

COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 11, 2023, 8.30pm to 9.30pm Zoom Meeting

2023 Art Showcase - South Australia

The 2023 Art Showcase exhibited the work of 70 children from 14 CLSs. Through these pieces, children celebrated the diversity of our schools and spoke about the importance of learning language.

Multicultural Festival 2023

On Sunday 12th November, Community Language Schools SA was part of the 2023 Multicultural Festival that took place in Victoria Square/ Tarntanyangga. It was a beautiful day celebrating interculturalism through respect and understanding.

ACT Annual Dinner 2023

ACT Annual Dinner 2023 Saturday, November 18th 2023 Ruby Chinese Restaurant, 18 Woolley Street, Dickson, ACT

Community Languages Australia - National Conference

In late September, CLSSA hosted a two-day conference at the University of Adelaide campus. This was the first time since 2012 that South Australia had the honor of arranging the National Community Language Conference.

Community Languages Australia - Council Meeting

Council Meeting Friday, September 22, 2023 2.45pm to 4.45pm The University of Adelaide, SA

Second Workshop on New Funding Model in ACT

The Second Workshop on the New Funding Model for ACT Community Language Schools held on Monday 28th August, 2023, from 6 pm - 8 pm. Function Room, level 2, Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, CMAG Building, 180 London Circuit, Canberra, ACT.

CLA Council Meeting

CLA COUNCIL MEETING Friday, July 7, 2023, 4.00pm to 6.30pm Best Western Hotel, Carlton

Community Languages Australia - Council Meeting

CONTINUATION AGM AND COUNCIL MEETING Friday, July 7, 2023 4.00pm to 6.30pm Best Western Hotel, Carlton

National Community Language Schools Day

Every year, on the third Saturday of May, is National Community Languages Schools Day.


Throughout 2022-2023, an extensive review of the Quality Assurance Framework was undertaken.

The outcome was a revised, more user-friendly Framework, including a range of tools – promotional explainer video was produced involving testimonials from schools that have already used the Framework or are seeking to use it, an online quiz to assess your community language school’s readines


A significant part of the work of CLA and its Members in S&T is to deliver professional development to teachers and instructors nationally.

The purpose is to upskill our teachers and instructors in teaching methodology in language education.

There are regular professional development sessions in S&T and nationally. More extensive training courses of 30-60 hours are delivered through universities.



Since the introduction of the new Child Safe Standards, CLA Child Safe and Compliance Officer has been extremely busy reviewing and updating all relevant documents in accordance with the new legislation.

List of updated child safety documents:

● Child Safety Policy

● Code of Conduct

● Student Safety and Staff Welfare Manual

● Child Safe Officer Job Description

● Reference Check Form Sampl

Community Languages Australia - Academic Forums

Academic Forums are integral to improving education outcomes in community language schools. They have been facilitated by CLA regularly over many years.

Its objectives are to provide CLA with the following:

Advice on the delivery of languages education in CLS Ideas on how to improve program delivery - Be an incubator. Guidance on areas of research that CLA may wish to undertake. Assist CLA to further its objectives.

Free online short course for community language teachers - conducted by Macquarie University

The NSW Federation of Communty Language Schools Inc has teamed up with Macquarie University for another specially-designed short course for community language teachers.

"WE LOVE OUR SCHOOLS" - students across Australia featured in videos

Students across Australia shared short messages, which were captured in two video compilations.

Mental Health Support to Schools


CLS Teachers Invited to AFMLTA Focus Groups

The AFMLTA is currently developing a national languages education plan and strategy for Australia. Community Language School Teachers are invited to focus groups to provide input and feedback in August. Please make sure to share the information and register your interest.

Contact Us

Community Languages Australia

Executive Officer: Fahry Abubaker

L2, 189 Faraday St,
Carlton Vic 3053

Phone: (03) 9349-2683
Fax: (03) 9349-26893